Trukai launches new website

In this day and age, digital information is vital for any business and organisation to thrive be it social media or other digital platforms.
Trukai Industries Ltd recognises the importance of this and has updated its current website to provide timely and useful information to its all its stakeholders and the public.
The new website was announced today by Marketing Manager, Maryanne Tom.
“We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website"
“The new website now gives the public a 24 hour window of accessibility into our business."
“The aim of the website is to provide our online visitors with useful information about our business from a range of topics such as our history, agribusiness and rice development projects, community programs, national promotions, employment opportunities and all the latest Trukai news plus many more.”
“Our new website site now has integrated social media links to our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages to foster improved communication and provide quick and easy access.”
“The website is now faster, easier to navigate and more user-friendly.”
“We endeavour to provide all our consumers and stakeholders with timely information about the business and this website is a great platform for us to do just that", said Tom.
Caption- A staff member browsing through the new website